Stopping the Waste with Engineered Energy Solutions

Posted by Pat Miller on Apr 21, 2023 11:10:37 AM

Stopping the waste with EES (2)Learn more about EES’ past and future of helping reduce energy usage while improving efficiency for their clients

EES founder, Pat Miller, wrote his thesis on a natural power plant in 1964 to graduate with a degree in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Detroit.

The natural power plant was to be located in Bakersfield, CA, and consisted of a water reservoir located at a high altitude, had floating solar panels, and wind turbines surrounding the reservoir. At the dam holding the water, there was a waterfall that flowed down to a water turbine at the bottom that generated electricity.

The plant operated as follows: when the sun was shining or the wind was blowing, electricity was produced and sent to the grid. Part of that energy created was also used to pump water back up to the reservoir to keep it at a high level. When the sun and wind were not available, the water was released to generate power from the water turbine. So, in simple terms, the reservoir became the (battery) storage of the system.

Paying attention to the news and trends he was seeing in the energy industry, Miller predicted in 1964 that the world would need to change how we produced energy because we were going to run out of fossil fuels in 1990.

After graduation, Miller went on to enter the US Army working as a ROTC 2nd Lieutenant at Ft Sill, Oklahoma. He later transitioned to work for the Trane Company, where he received training in HVAC fundamentals. He started the Energy Department for New Jersey Trane in 1977.

Moving forward, he started Engineered Energy Solutions (EES) in 1982. Miller used his experience in the HVAC field to generate systems and solutions to lower the energy required to produce the desired results in the cooling and heating of buildings and manufacturing facilities.

The efficiencies of these ideas were broadened by the advent of new and more powerful technology, (chips, sensors, efficient machinery, etc.) to save 10-50% of the energy used without compromising the results for the facility. Simply put, EES stopped the waste.

In the last 40 plus years of operation, EES has broadened their scope to include transportation (bridges and tunnels), building automation, agriculture (growing crops, automation of dairy processing), pharmaceutical production, and many other industries. The key to all of the above is reduce the energy needed to satisfy the end user (client).

EES will continue to conduct their business and strive to “STOP the WASTE” as they move forward.

If you’re interested in learning how you could reduce your energy usage and save money at your facility be sure to reach out.

Topics: energy control systems, sustainability, pat miller, technology